Editorial Team
Prof. Dr. apt. Elfahmi, M.Si.
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID, SINTA
- Director of Research and Innovation, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Managing Editors
Dr.rer.nat. Agus Chahyadi
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- University Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology - Nutraceuticals, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Husna Nugrahapraja, Ph.D.
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- Department of Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Dr. apt. Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- Department of Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jantan (Malaysia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, Pharmacy, Medicinal chemistry.
- CHEMICAL SCIENCES, Organic Chemistry, Natural products chemistry.
- BIOTECHNOLOGY, Biopharmacy Biotechnology, Drug discovery.
Prof. Dr. Khairurrijal, M.Si. (Indonesia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID, SINTA
- Electronic Materials and Devices
- Electronics and Instrumentation
Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Noor (Malaysia)
Scopus, Google Scholar
- Ex situ conservation of tropical fruit species using cryopreservation
- The use of tissue culture technique for regeneration of cryopreserved tissues
- Micropropagation of tropical fruits especially endangered and rare species
- Seed studies of selected fruit species
Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha, Ph.D. (Indonesia)
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- Microbial biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shoeb (Bangladesh)
Scopus, Google Scholar
- Chromatography
- Mass Spectrometry
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Natural Product Pharmacology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman (Indonesia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID, SINTA
- Molecular biology
Prof. Dr. Dessy Natalia (Indonesia)
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- Carbohydrate acting enzymes
- Molecular Biotechnology of Saccharomyces cereviseae and Pichia pastoris
Prof. Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany (Indonesia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID, SINTA
- Plant molecular biology
Prof. Dr. I. Sahidin, S.Pd., M.Si. (Indonesia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- Isolation and structure elucidation of organic compounds
Prof. Dr. Dra. Berna Elya, Apt., M.Si. (Indonesia)
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- Pharmacognosy
- Phytochemistry
- Natural Materials Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary (Pakistan)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID
- Bio-organic
- Structural Organic Chemistry
Prof. Ikuro Abe, Ph.D (Japan)
Scopus, ORCID
- Natural Products Biosynthesis
Prof. Dr. Maike Petersen (Germany)
Scopus, ORCID
- Plant Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Secondary Metabolism of Plants
Prof. Dr. Irda Fidrianny, Apt. (Indonesia)
Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID, SINTA
- Pharmaceutical Biology
The Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology (online ISSN 2686-1623) is published by the University Center of Excellence for Nutraceuticals, Bioscience and Biotechnology Research Center, Institut Teknologi Bandung.